Maltepe Laser Epilation
As the feathers on the body are cut off, the body spreads more and more rapidly, becoming a more common region. The areas where the ladies have the most problems as unwanted hair are the upper lip, the lower jaw, the cheeks, the legs, and a bikini area under the arm. The primitive methods to be performed on these areas do not destroy the feathers but they make them longer, thicker and cause them to spread on the body. Methods such as shaving and waxing provide relief from these feathers in a short period of time. But it can not be a radical solution and it can not provide forever to get rid of these feathers. Constantly trying to get rid of unwanted hair with waxes or waxes is both a waste of time and a very annoying process. Moreover, methods such as waxing are painful methods and often reveal the expected result. However, in order to get rid of unwanted hair, especially the underarm arm, leg and bikini area, a method such as laser can be solved forever by applying
Maltepe Laser Epilation Clinic Sessions
This method has become the most popular method for the ladies because it solves the problem from the root as much as it is painless. This treatment method, which has been applied in our country since 1990, has recently been introduced with extremely affordable price packages at a more prevalent price due to the development of technology. In order to be able to apply laser epilation, some conditions must be met. Although wax is much more attractive than wax, tweezers, laser epilation is not suitable for all skin types. For example, if the person has a dark skin color, the laser epilation method is not suitable for dark skin. The reason for this is that the person can not absorb laser energy due to the darkness of his skin. Since the skin can not provide this, some side effects know more eyes. But in light-skinned people the situation is exactly the opposite. In other words, the open skin is absorbed by the laser energy and accordingly the side the effects are greatly reduced. As such, dark skinned people are forced to continue treatment by participating in many more sessions. Another problem is that people who are very open to hair color are experiencing it. Light-colored feathers can not completely absorb the effect of laser beams due to lack of melanin. As a result, laser epilation method has more healthy and lasting results in people with light and dark hair color. In addition, according to skin and skin color, machine preference also has a great effect on the result.