What Is Laser Epılatıon?
Laser epilation is the safe and permanent elimination of unwanted hair in the body with minimal pain and side effects, with the help of laser technology.
In this method, the laser beam is a beam of visible light in a single color and a single wavelength, which is parallel to each other. These visions are so effective the point-selective photothermolysis feature. Laser wavelengths with predefined attenuation and wavelength are absorbed by the named melanin pigment in the body and turn into heat energy in the clay root. Thanks to this selective absorption achieved by melanin pigment, only the clay kernel is destroyed without any effect on the skin upper layer. The other features of the other methods are that the touch around the kiln does not cause any damage and it is only aimed at the clay root. The US Food and Drug Administration, FDA, has been registered as an effective, reliable, and permanent method of treatment of epilepsy in 1997.
None of the mutations of laser fluids used in laser epilation have been detected to date. These lights are not radioactive. In laser epilation method, Alexandrite Laser, Diode Laser and Nd-Yag Laser are used.
What are the Advantages of Laser Epilation?
Laser epilation method is applied to each region of the body comfortably. Compared to other types of epilation, the process takes a lot of time, and there is no restriction on the disease after epilation (Not entering the sea, not taking a shower, etc.). Those with relatively white-skinned and darker-colored feathers may achieve the desired result in a much shorter time than those with dark and light-colored feathers. In order to shorten the duration of the treatment, the patients need to apply cutting treatments such as weaving, padding, rope, etc. between the sessions.
The laser epilation method does not leave a permanent mark on the skin. It is often seen that there is a very light pink in the region where the operation is performed. This color change can take from three to five minutes to several hours. There is no effect on the skin of this light pink.
During pregnancy and lactation periods, laser epilation is recommended to be interrupted. The point to consider when considering someone who is a laser epilationist is to minimize the bronzing of the area to be epilated during treatment. For this reason, the laser dose should be kept very low in the case of the bronze tinned laser. This low dose also multiplies as a factor in reducing the effectiveness of treatment. This method, which is quite safe, practical and painless, certainly does not mention the risk of infection in other methods
How Many Laser Epilation Clinic Sessions Must Be Applied?
The laser affects clay roots in active anagen. All clay roots in the body do not become active at the same time. For this reason, passive (roots) roots need to be applied to these roots as they become active. A successful result in this regard can only be achieved after several epilation sessions. Killaran’s density and thickness are different in each body, it is very difficult to give definite number of sessions, it changes from region to region and from beginning to end. Approximately 4-6 laser epilation sessions give satisfactory results to date. In laser epilation treatment, a special dose selection is made to the skin type. It is aimed that the treatment will only be completed in the shortest time by working on the Grade which will affect the clay roots and not giving any harm to the skin. Since everyone has a hormone Grade, body structure, and type of skin, the time required to reach a permanent result in laser epilation changes suddenly.
What Does Laser Epilation Control Session Mean?
The laser affects clay roots in active anagen. All clay roots in the body do not become active at the same time. For this reason, passive (roots) roots need to be applied to these roots as they become active. A successful result in this regard can only be achieved after several epilation sessions. Killaran’s density and thickness are different in each body, it is very difficult to give definite number of sessions, it changes from region to region and from beginning to end. Approximately 4-6 laser epilation sessions give satisfactory results to date. In laser epilation treatment, a special dose selection is made to the skin type. It is aimed that the treatment will only be completed in the shortest time by working on the Grade which will affect the clay roots and not giving any harm to the skin. Since everyone has a hormone Grade, body structure, and type of skin, the time required to reach a permanent result in laser epilation changes suddenly.
Is Laser Hair Filling Harmful?
It is a registered treatment regimen by the FDA (the American Food and Drug Administration) and has never gone to any harmful records until now. The laser has no ionizing properties. It will not cause mutation. However, temporary and superficial burns can occur during misuse.
Which Laser Epilation Is Applicable?
It is a registered treatment regimen by the FDA (the American Food and Drug Administration) and has never gone to any harmful records until now. The laser has no ionizing properties. It will not cause mutation. However, temporary and superficial burns can occur during misuse.
Are There Any Risks For Stain and Burn?
It is a registered treatment died by the FDA (the American Food and Drug Administration) and has never gone to any harmful records until now. The laser has no ionizing properties. It will not cause mutation. However, temporary and superficial burns can occur during misuse.
Which Zone Can Laser Epilation Be Applied For?
Laser epilation can be applied to almost every region in the direct shot which will be observed.
How Many Sessions Should The Laser Epilation Procedure Be Applied?
Laser light affects clay roots in anagen (active) phase. All roots are not active simultaneously. Therefore, telogenous (passive) roots will need to be applied when they become active. A permanent solution, however, is obtained after a few seanstans. It is not possible to give a definite number of sessions because the thickness and density of the Killarra are different in each body, and it is changing from region to region and from region to region. On average, 4-6 laser epilation sessions are usually enough. Dosage is made according to skin type in laser epilation operation. It is aimed to finish the treatment in the shortest time by working hard on the clay roots but not damaging the skin. Everybody’s body structure and hormonal Grades, the skin type is different, so the time required to reach the laser epilation changes suddenly.
How Long Are The Clinic Session Intervals In The Laser Epilation?
The sessions range from 4-6 weeks in the face area to 8-10 weeks in the other areas of the body.
Does Laser Epilation Make You Feel Pain ?
We should not take care of him if he does not take into consideration those who have suffered pain and those who are together. It’s just a tire hit. For people with low pain threshold, they do not have the feeling of pain 1-2 hours prior to operation. The creams are applied to the process by reducing the feeling of horniness to the minimum Grade. The external cooling method is usually used in Alexandrite devices.
Is There A Stain After Laser Epilation?
A temporary reddening of the skin after laser epilation is possible. Under normal conditions, it is necessary to completely end this process within a few hours following operation. However, after a laser epilation on a sensitive skin or a rash dose of the skin, a very slight redness may appear. This redness can be restored without a trace with 1-2 day treatment. Dark or light colorations may appear on the skin during special occasions, such as when the person is sunbathing and solariing after laser epilation or because of a hereditary pigmentation problem. In general, these cases are not permanent and disappear without trace.
Which Type Of Lasers Are Used In Laser Epilation?
The lasers used for epilation are Alexandrite, Ruby, Diod, ND: Oil Lasers. The names of these systems are given according to the wavelength of the energy source. During laser epilation, the laser beam passes through the skin until it reaches the hair follicle. The Alexandrite Laser creates high heat only at the root of the hair, allowing the hair root to disappear. Treatment with laser epilation is much more successful because darker, thicker hair feels better absorbed. In other words, hair color darker than the color of the skin as soon as possible to achieve success with the least side effects.
What is the Difference Between IPL and Laser?
There are many differences between the laser beam and the beam of IPL devices. With the IPL method, a part of the condensed light in the skin is filtered and the resulting beam bundle is sent to the filter result. The IPL beam does not have a single wavelength, so the beams are not coherent. This is why IPL is not considered as a Photoepilation (IntensePulsedLight) Laser.
On the other hand, the laser beam is coherent, collimated and monochromatic. For this reason, the selectivity is higher, there is only an aim to influence the target pigment, an interaction with competitor pigments is the minimum.
Before Laser Epilation Operation Be Careful in These Conditions;
-Any radical removal (wax, epilator, tweezers) must have been made to the hair in the area to be laser-epilated within the last 20 days.
-The extended hairs can be shortened with razor until 3 days before session.
– The skin color of the laser epilation areas should be tanned by solarium or sunbath, the region should be at the closest Grade to the real skin color of the person during the session.
-Until 15 days before laser epilation operation, no chemical peeling like deep frying operations should be done.
– There should be no make-up material on the skin during laser operation.
After Laser Epilation Operation ;
-It should not be exposed to direct sunlight until 2 days after laser treatment and solarium should not be entered. When exposed to the sun (especially for the face) it is necessary to use creams with a high protection factor (SPF 30).
-Intensive irritant operations of the skin such as peeling, peeling should not be done for a week.
-During the time period that is related to the skin sensitivity of the person who has laser epilation applied, It is normal to have mild redness between 1 hour and a few days.
-In some patients, after treatment, mild swelling, crusting and acne occur in the treatment area, but these problems are self-medicating without treatment.
-The roots of laser epilation are slightly extended within 3 to 10 days and begin to spill or easily peel off when slightly pulled by hand.